To Be Aware or Not To Be


To Be Aware or Not To Be

by Leslie Gaddy

“To be or not to be. That is the question.”

William Shakespeare 

Can you imagine a time as a child when you were carefree enough to play, create, explore, imagine the impossible, and live free from the worries of adulthood? Can you imagine the feeling of being such a pure spirit full of wonder and amazement? Can you imagine trusting your caretakers fully, without judgment and without question? Can you imagine a time that you knew you would get all that you need and the desire for material luxuries was absent from your thoughts? Can you also imagine living in this carefree state of being with the wisdom you have gained through life experiences? If you can, then you are then able to comprehend how to live in the physical realms and heavenly realms simultaneously. As with all spiritual concepts, this concept is simply stated, yet complicated to understand. Many religious and spiritual groups have tried to explain this simple concept using the only means of communicating within their limited experiences and language capabilities. The ideas and analogies that I am sharing is my unique way of explaining this simple, yet complicated concept of Heaven and Earth. 

The misconception we carry with us is that Heaven and Earth are separate places, when in truth, Heaven and Earth exist in the same place. The level of awareness is what separates them. In other words, within our own minds exists the unawareness or awareness of our environment. We are born from a state of awareness, the heavenly realms,  into a state of unawareness, the earthly realms. Our soul, pure conscious energy, exists infinitely in the heavenly realms, then chooses to compress its energy to be born into a physical body that resides in an environment of unawareness. The soul’s energy remains with the physical body from its birth until its death and its challenge is to experience in a state of unawareness, learn through its experiences to gain wisdom, then return to the state of awareness in the heavenly realms a more wise and expanded soul.  As a soul, we are able to view everything from a high perspective, much the same as a bird views the world when in flight. Just as the bird comes down on the Earth, our soul wants to come down to the Earth and explore. Our soul decides to leave its safe abode and embark on an amazing adventure of exploration. With the journey our soul gains many stories of difficulty, as well as, many stories of joy and inspiration. 

Another misconception we carry with us is that we can only enter the heavenly realms when our physical bodies die. Only then can the soul be set free and return to its home in the heavenly realms. Jesus (Yeshua) and Budhha are two examples of humans who were able to live in the heavenly realm and physical realm simultaneously while still in the physical body. The messages and wisdom shared during their lifetimes are their stories of this experience. Religious and spiritual groups who shared these stories misinterpreted the full meanings, resulting in only providing partial truths filtered by their own levels of awareness. Other religious groups, such as the Catholic Church, protected the teachings from humanity controlling which parts would be disclosed and which parts would be kept secret in order to bring the church power and riches. They further clouded the awareness of humanity leaving us more confused and further from awareness of truth, or from true states of awareness. Other groups, such as the tibetan monks, protected these teachings from negative groups like the Catholic Church, to preserve its original meaning to be revealed to humanity once we were able to expand our awareness to its truth, No matter the intention, truth has been hidden from humanity, leaving us in a deep state of unawareness, confusion and fear, thus making it extremely difficult to return to the state of awareness that we deeply long for. Because we still remember bits and pieces of awareness, we can imagine what it would be like. Different civilizations throughout antiquity have explained this through their stories of the Gods and epic adventures of DemiGods. They explain that the Gods came down from the clouds and intermingled with the humans to create DemiGods; they explain how the Gods control different aspects of nature leaving humans at their mercy. They created statues and gave homages to gain the favor of the Gods, leaving the people in a state of confusion and fear, easily manipulated by those with intentions of self indulgence. Despite the desperate attempt of revealing awareness of truth by higher minded individuals such as Michaelangelo, Leonardo DiVinci, Socrates, Herodotus, Confucius, Mohammed, Ghandi, and Dalia Lama, humanity was too consumed with the narrative of the agenda presented by those who are self absorbed and whose intentions were for personal gain and power. 

May we all live in peace, harmony, and joy for the remainder of our lifetimes here on Earth.

by Leslie Gaddy


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