Door of Mystery


Door of Mystery

by Leslie Gaddy

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between them are the doors of perception.”

Aldous Huxley 

Something to consider when seeing or hearing material that is unfamiliar, such as spiritually related material, is that the perspective is unique to the individual’s experience. If we tend to base truth on how we interpret another’s experience, then we risk misunderstanding key concepts and meanings. Additionally, authors use the language that is available to them through the neural pathways that were created for storing language and communication. Unless we have similar information stored in our own neural pathways, we will not be able to fully understand what we are seeing or hearing. Another point to consider is that we interpret incoming information through our own filters. What an amazing feature of our brains! As information comes in, our brains sort that information into familiar or unfamiliar.  Unfamiliar material usually flows in and out very quickly, but our brains are able to determine whether or not this information is worth paying attention to. New neural pathways are created when our brains have determined the information is important enough to create storage. It is vital to understand this concept. Unless we have the information stored in the brain’s database, we cannot readily access it. The information does still exist, however not readily available for access.

Where does this unstored information go then?

The answer to this question is not common.  It is very likely that you have never explored this subject, so the meaning you derive may be interpreted differently than it was originally intended. It could also go against your belief systems, which are derived from the language you speak, the culture you were brought up in, your personal, but limited, experiences, spiritual alignment, and many other factors. This can result in cognitive dissonance or it can be that the information simply does not resonate with you at this time. If your response to the answer elicits a strong emotional response that creates discomfort, then it is likely that you are experiencing cognitive dissonance. The urge to be “right” and disprove another perspective will arise. And when we allow this urge to take the lead, we become stuck in debate. Before acting on the urge to be “right”, we can choose to take the time to process and possibly research. This can expand the meaning and offer a new way of seeing. We can then better determine whether or not this unfamiliar information resonates at this time. Perhaps later it will resonate; perhaps not; or maybe only bits and pieces are relevant; or maybe not. The bottom line is that if we intend to evolve into the best versions of ourselves, then we should take a similar approach to understanding unfamiliar information. To the best of my ability, based on the communications tools readily available in my own neural pathways, I will answer the question. So, where DOES this unstored information go then? It has to go somewhere, right?

Like the cloud stores internet information, the universe operates in a similar manner. All life on Earth consists of energy, which can be measured by the frequency in which it vibrates, in units of hertz. It presents as sound, color and light. The more dense and slower energies form solid objects that we can sense with our 5 physical senses, however, the totality of energy that exists is infinite. To provide a visual, the totality versus what we can sense is comparable to the sun and a micro grain of sand; and this analogy fails to truly explain its vastness. Energy exists in all places at all times, it’s ever flowing and evolving, has no beginning or ending, and can never be destroyed, instead, changes forms. Focus for a moment on the space between yourself and an object. Our physical senses interpret this as empty space, yet in truth this space is filled with energy that is vibrating at a level that we are unable to perceive with our 5 physical senses. The energy is intelligent, storing everything, every thought, every action, every feeling, and emotion infinitely. We can all access this intelligence at any time. In fact, we already do this without even consciously knowing it. Have you ever heard someone say the air feels thick? This usually means that tension can be felt in the room. Even if no words are exchanged, we can feel if the people around us are experiencing tension. When we observe the body language of those around us we can see who is experiencing the tension. Through feeling the energy around us we can access the energetic intelligence and then interpret that feeling through our minds, and then through the physical senses. This process is autonomous, naturally occurring whether consciously aware or not. When we are aware of this vast energy, with its vast intelligence, then we can learn to purposefully and consciously tap into and access it at any time.

How can we purposefully and consciously access this energetic intelligence?

Gaining conscious access to energetic intelligence can only be accomplished through the soul. Considering this energy is within and without all that exists, we can conclude that we too consist of this energy. Our physical bodies are manifestations of our personal aspects of energy, the soul is that energy. The key word in this statement is manifestations, meaning the energy is expressing itself physically, the energy embodies a physical vessel, the energy is the lifeforce of the human body. The human body has consistent ongoing access to the energy through energy centers that absorb what it needs. To better explain this concept, imagine you are taking a deep breath of air.  Your nose is the energy center that absorbs the air, then the lungs are the energy center that pulls the air into the body, then the air is then moved through many energy centers to utilize the oxygen the body needs. The energy centers of our bodies (that cannot be perceived by the physical senses) pull the energy needed from the main energy source, then they direct that energy into the physical body.  Each energy center corresponds to a system of operation for the human body. The energy center in the middle of the abdomen will direct energy to the digestive system, the energy center in the middle of the chest will direct energy to the circulatory system, etc.  The energy centers also direct energy to our emotional body..  The energy center in the middle of the abdomen will direct energy to our confidence in self. Too much energy in this center will manifest as arrogance and too little will manifest as too little self esteem. The energy centers have a multi-layered function connecting our emotional bodies, which operate through the feminine aspect of energy; connecting our physical bodies, which operate through the masculine aspect of energy; connecting our spiritual body, which operates through balanced feminine and masculine energy; in other words, the soul is an aspect of the main energy source. Of course, there is terminology associated with this. Science uses the term energy and its intelligence the quantum field, Hebrew derived faiths use God or Allah, the holy spirit, the holy ghost,  Ancient Chinese cultures refer to this energy as Qi or Chi, Hindus and Budhhist refer to the energy as prana and the centers as chakras, and New Agers call this spirit, divine energy, feminine/masculine energy, consciousness. There are as many terms to explain this as there are people's ideas. 

Questions to Consider:

  • Based on the language used and the cultural development, can you find the commonalities in your understanding of this energy and the way the people around you understand it?

  • Can you identify the differences?

  • Do you feel an urge to disprove other perspectives or to be “right”?

  • Are you able to view this unfamiliar information without an emotional response or without judgment? 

 Opening our minds to new concepts, ideas, and unfamiliar information is key to the first step of evolving into the best versions of ourselves. Understanding concepts like life force energy is complex and difficult to truly realize, however, being able to fully grasp such a concept is the foundation required to purposefully accessing and utilizing what we cannot sense physically. Without a truthful understanding we are left to fill in the gaps with outdated concepts and ideas.

May we all live in peace, harmony, and joy for the remainder of our lifetimes here on Earth.

by Leslie Gaddy


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