


by Leslie Gaddy

“But when you give to the needy, do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your father, who sees what you have done in secret, will reward you.”

Mathew 6:3-4

Generosity: helping another with the expectation of nothing in return; sharing blessings with others; helping those in need; freely expending time and energy to help others. 

Why would we do this? Why would we help another with the expectation of nothing in return? Should we charge others a fee for the use of our time and energy? Why or why not? And if we do in fact charge a fee, then what determines the cost associated with that time and energy expended? Does it feel natural to only provide to those who are willing and able to pay for it? Does Mother Earth charge her inhabitants a fee to dwell upon her? And how is it possible that men who dwell upon the space borrowed from our dear Mother Earth somehow charge one another a fee? Does this feel natural, organic, or how our creator intended it to be? Does it feel natural that four of the most important requirements that our bodies need to continue life are air, water, food and shelter and that most humans on this planet are required to pay for it? Does it even make logical sense that we are supposedly the most intelligent species in our third dimensional reality, yet the only species that pays to live here? Why are the supposed lesser beings allowed to live here naturally and in balance with nature, while we are working from cradle to grave to upkeep a monetary system that is in fact enslaving our race, the human race?  Who are the few percent that are benefiting from this and why is it that we continue to allow it? 

I find it interesting that these questions are rarely asked and rarely answered.  Living in a consumerist world has always been a foreign concept to me.  I have always felt it natural to give and receive openly and lovingly.  It never felt natural to take or steal from others.  I believe that 95% of all humans will agree with this statement, yet we create laws, regulations, fees, contracts, constitutions, establishments and more to protect the 95% from the 5% who are creating all the havoc. Then through these inorganic creations, we have developed into a society that feels at home with these unnatural ways of being, living inorganically and in unnatural states of fear, distrust, and survival of the fittest scenarios that keep us in disharmony and from finding true peace.  This happens because our minds then become inundated with trying to remember rules and regulations, ensuring that another person does not take advantage of us, with providing for a future where we have become incapable of working, and investing in a tomorrow while barely alive in today. Despite our station in life, 95% of all humans can relate to this disharmony and have in many ways tried to find solutions to getting back to a natural state of peacefulness and harmony. 

Imagine a world where every single person is generous. Would there be a need for money? One thing I hear people say quite often is, that any person being generous would be taken advantage of because there are so many more who would choose to only look out for themselves.  Ironically, the people who are saying this belong to the group who choose to only look out for themselves, however, the people I have met who chose generosity, claim to be living a life that is in alignment with what feels right. Isn’t living in alignment with what FEELS right precisely what we are all striving for? I have noticed in my own journey that the people I interact with tend to base their actions or deeds on what they perceive others doing. In some cases, it comes across as a “hive mind” mentality, but in my humble opinion I believe that this mentality actually derives from lack of self-love. Through my spiritual journey I made a life changing discovery that led me to understand just how important it is to follow my own heart despite the choices those around me make.  I learned that each of us are unique and have a very important and unique purpose in life.  It is through the knowledge of self-worth, self-esteem, and self-importance that we truly find peace. When we begin to truly embed this knowledge, we are becoming a more authentic version of ourselves; then through becoming the most authentic version of ourselves, empathy, and compassion for the suffering of others naturally occurs. When we feel compassion and empathy for others, generosity organically and naturally becomes a part of us. Through generosity for others, one person can literally change the world in which we live, yet it is only through the love of self that we can begin to understand generosity and to then extend that generosity for others.


May we all live in peace, harmony, and joy for the remainder of our lifetimes here on Earth.


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